

We love exceptional coffee, just like you

We cherish our farm-direct coffee partnerships

We roast with care, to bring you joy in every sip

Coffnature Micro Roaster

The story of our coffee

At Coffnature, we believe every cup of coffee tells a unique story. Our journey begins in the lush, mountainous terroir of Chiang Rai, our hometown, where we've cultivated personal bonds with local coffee farmers who share our passion for quality and sustainability.

Each microlot we offer is a testament to these farmers' dedication and craftsmanship. Through our specialty roasting, we're committed to sharing their efforts with coffee enthusiasts worldwide. Our state-of-the-art Smart Digital NIR Rubasse roaster allows us to craft expert roast profiles that spotlight the distinctive characteristics of each bean.

Our mission is simple: to bring you the finest specialty coffee that captures the rich flavors and vibrant profiles unique to Chiang Rai. As natives of this region, we take pride in showcasing its exceptional coffee. Coffnature is more than a microroastery—it's a celebration of our farmer partners' passion, expertise and dedication.

Join us in savoring the essence of Chiang Rai, one exceptional cup at a time. With Coffnature, you're not just drinking coffee; you're experiencing the passion, terroir, and craftsmanship of Chiang Rai's finest microlots.

We are your source for microlot specialty coffee: Chiang Rai Specialty Coffee Collective.

📢 We're Back from the Thailand Coffee Festival! 📢

We are thrilled to announce that Coffnature is back in action after an amazing time at the Thailand Coffee Festival 2024! We had a fantastic experience meeting so many of you and sharing our passion for specialty microlot coffees.

For those who couldn't make it to the festival, we have some exciting news: We are now offering the limited special microlots showcased at the festival to our online customers! These exclusive coffees are available at our last day festival price with a 20% discount.

Please note that we have very limited stock, so make sure to grab yours before they're gone!

Thank you for your continued support, and happy brewing!

Warm regards, The Coffnature Team

Thai Specialty Coffee

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